How to Set Goals & Keep Up With Them

11:45 AM

Everyone has their different goals and what they want to accomplish in life. For example, my goals are a little different than my boyfriend’s goals. Especially when it comes to finally being in the same country. But that’s a complicated story for another time. In college I learned a proper way to set goals for yourself. I’m not saying you have to specifically follow these rules but it gives you a guide.

After looking at the SMART way to set goals, you probably think it’s a little pointless and complicated. But when you really think about it, you can adapt it to fit your needs in a simpler way. Some of my goals are to live in New York City, graduate from graduate school, have a family, blog three times a week, and be happy with my life.

Here are some tips to help set and achieve your goals.

Goal Has An End Result | Something to work towards. Even though it seems like being happy with your life doesn’t have a definite end result, it can. Just like life, you can take it day by day and try your best to make each day a good one.

You Can Actually Complete It | Goals can be hard to complete sometimes.  You definitely don’t want something that’s too out there. A goal of traveling to every country is a little extreme, especially if you don’t have the funds. Something like traveling to Europe in 2020 is a little more attainable.

Keep In Mind the Steps to Get There | Let’s look at blogging three times a week. It’s not a big task or as strenuous as every day (incredible that people can actually do that). I plan out my month of blog posts in a notebook. It makes it easier and if I wanted to I could write them all at the beginning but where’s the fun in that? I have a goal of writing posts every Monday, Thursday, and Sunday. The steps I’m starting to take to get there is to stay a week ahead and schedule my posts for 8 AM. This way I don’t even have to think or rush to get a post up.

Timing Is Everything | Some goals need to have a timeline to complete them in. If you don’t, then it’s just a wish. My tip for setting a timeline is to overshoot it and give yourself more time to actually complete it. I get discouraged in school when I feel like I don’t have enough time to finish everything. I started completed things right when I got the assignment and it was the best thing I could do. The same thing could be said for blogging, work, or even things around the house.

If you follow these tips while making and keeping your goals, you will be very successful in whatever you do. Whether it is personal goals, life goals, relationship goals, or even soccer goals (my boyfriend mentioned it).

What are your goals?


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