Surviving a Long Distance Relationship | Girl's Point of View

12:00 AM

I have been in a long distance relationship for a year and a half. It definitely hasn't been easy. I find it funny when I hear couples complain about the distance being 5 hours. Try being half way around the world. I came up with a few tips on how to survive a long distance relationship if you're in one now or about to be.

Talk Everyday (texting/calling)
This might seem obvious but my dad thought it was weird that we did this. Sometimes it can get hard because that's all you can really do for now. It may feel like you're losing each other if you don't.

It's always nice to see their face. This is the closest you can get to being in the same room for now. And sometimes it's easier to talk face to face about things instead of just texting.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
By this, I mean that you shouldn't fight over small things. I feel like my boyfriend and I do this a lot. When you're texting, some things can get misread or taken the wrong way and can cause a fight. If someone doesn't understand something, it's best to ask before you get upset or mad. And don't text and fight!!!! Worse feeling ever!

If You Can't See a Future, Don't Stay Together
Being in a long distance relationship is very stressful sometimes and it's definitely a commitment that some people aren't ready for. You don't need to torture yourself if it's just another guy/girl. It's best to just wait for the right person to come around. And it's definitely not worth the tears and being lonely.

If distance scares you, you're not going through it alone. There's someone that's with you through the whole thing. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my boyfriend there with me. If you're not ready to commit, then take a break. Sometimes it's not always worth it, but when you find the right person, it definitely is.

Would you ever consider being in a long distance relationship?


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