Cookie Monster
12:00 AM
I am the type
of girl that would rather eat a cookie then a cake (however, I do have a
preference for my great-grandmother’s chocolate chip cake). Cookies are just
better and are easier to eat. My boyfriend gave this suggestion since I
recently brought cookies into my class since everyone is always hungry. It also
gave me an excuse to bake. And I like my cookies soft and chewy. Those are the best.
Here are my
favorite cookies ever:

Pillsbury Holiday Shape Cookies | I am obsessed with these. When I saw them at the store
I had to buy them. They just taste so good. I made some of these for my class
last Friday and they were still good after one day. I can't wait until Christmas comes around because those are my favorite shapes. Check out the website for all of the shapes.
Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies | Chocolate is an essential part of life. It combine sweet and salty in every bite. And when you break apart the cookie right out of the oven and the chocolate is melting in the middle. It's like food porn. Definitely check out the recipe. I prefer it without nuts.
Great American Sugar Cookies | These are my favorite, hands down. Give me a choice between every cookie out there, I will always choose this one. Unfortunately, there aren't any Great American Cookies near me. It's very sad. I did find a copycat recipe and I can't wait to try it. These are the softest cookies ever!
I'm also baking Russian Tea Cakes for my class today. I found this easy recipe on Pinterest. Even a 4 year old can make it. I was sold. Check out my twitter and instagram (@ringsandthings8) for pictures when they're done.
What's your favorite type of cookie?