Perfect Imperfections

12:00 AM

I wanted to do something fun for my blog today. I remember when this tag was going around YouTube many years ago and I decided to take into blog form. Now I am not saying that I'm perfect in any way, shape or form. I like something things about myself and I don't like things about myself.  And I'm fine with that.


Depression/Anxiety | For about 4 years (probably even more than that) I've had some issues with depression. The tiniest little things could make me upset and I would be like that for a few days. Thankfully, things have started to get better and I don't get as depressed anymore. I also have panic attacks from time to time. I've even had one in a parking lot. It's hard for me to look at a big picture. I usually focus on the small details that don't go my way and I end up panicking. My boyfriend is always there to take me back to reality.

My Body | A goal for my 21st year is to be comfortable in my body. I'm no where near that yet. I think it's common for people to not like how they look and unfortunately I'm part of that. My body isn't where I want it to be. But that's not something that will change on its own. I have to work at it (New Year's Resolution).

Height | You probably don't know this about me because I haven't shown a full body post on my blog, but I'm extremely tall. I'm 6'6" (1.98 m). No this is not a joke. My father is very tall and my brothers are around the same height as me. The reasons I hate this about myself are people stare at me, point it out like I don't already know, ask how tall I am because they can't get through their day without knowing, and just assume stupid things like I play basketball. It's probably one of things I'm the most sensitive about. I hate that people think it's okay to do all of these things. It's not.


Height | Yes, you read that right. Height is under both. I do like one thing about my height. It makes me unique. I'm not just another face in the crowd. I'm pretty memorable. ;)

Attentive | I'm the best girlfriend in the world! Just ask my boyfriend. I'm the type of person that puts other people before myself when I see that they need me. If my boyfriend and I are upset about something, I always put his feelings before mine. It kills me to see him not happy and I feel like it's my responsibility to make him feel better. I'm not sure if this is a good thing, but it's definitely a plus.

Eyes | This is a weird one. When I smile you can barely see my eyes and I do wish they were a little lighter in color. But there is something about them that I really like. They are small and give me character. Not really sure if that makes sense, but I needed another item for perfect.


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