Book Nook | The Fault in Our Stars

12:00 AM

I think I’m one of the few people in this world that still like to read for fun. Recently I have started 3 books and haven’t been able to get passed the second chapter. Neither of them drew me in. I have been meaning to read The Fault in Our Stars since last year. I finally decided to read it since I’m currently doing nothing with my summer, and a person can’t watch Netflix all day.

This is one of those books that you won’t be able to put down. John Green pulls you in with every chapter and you won’t want to stop reading. There aren't a lot of books that deal with kids who have cancer and have a romantic relationship as well. Most authors don’t touch on that subject. Green tied them together perfectly. This book also gives you something to think about. It makes you want to live a better life and consider what’s important. It also makes you want to be a better person. Augustus Waters is a true inspiration for how you should be acting even when your life isn't going as you would hope.

I highly recommend reading this book and seeing the movie that comes out June 6th. Trust me, you won’t regret it! And check out the trailer below!


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